Main theme of this conference, VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) has become a practical code for awareness and readiness, preparedness, anticipation, evolution and intervention.
We would like to invite invigorating submissions that connect critical issues of our VUCA world in the traditional areas of tourism research, policy, and management; these might include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following topics:
- The changing nature of our societies and new travel trends
- Impact of ever-growing climate change awareness on all aspects of tourism system
- Questions of stewardship in all areas – from individual businesses to policy makers and DMOs
- Leadership styles in tourism (un)sustainability
- Integrations in tourism system (public-private partnership, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, joint-ventures, clusters, local action groups)
- Sharing economy, social entrepreneurship and innovations in tourism
- The new age of enhanced visitor engagement and involvement
- Transformative and regenerative travel
- Artificial intelligence in tourism future(s)
- A role of social media and smart technologies in tourism present and future(s)
- Globalisation of local tourism values (glocalisation, commodification)
- Destination marketing, branding and reputation for the new times
- New modelling and forecasting tourism demand
- Educational needs for the VUCA (tourism) future
- Tourism governance and labour (im)mobility
- Social (in)justice and equality questions of gender, sexuality, race, class, age and (dis)ability
- Role of tourism in public health and well-being
- Critical tourism and hospitality studies
- Connecting different knowledge paradigms in tourism studies
- Dissemination of tourism knowledge – how and for who?